Concrete Oil Separator Replacement

Striem and LBA Team Up to Replace Concrete Oil Separator in Johnson County
Manufacturer: Striem
Plumbing Contractor: LBA
Owner: Shawnee Mission Ford
Authority Having Jurisdiction: Johnson County Wastewater (JCW)
Wholesaler: Kansas City Winnelson
After working diligently with Johnson County Wastewater and coordinating closely with LBA, Striem received approval for its first oil separator installation in Johnson County. This marks the first polyethylene oil separator in JCW’s jurisdiction.
Historically, JCW has mandated that a minimum 1,000-gallon concrete oil separator be installed for service and/or maintenance facilities. Shawnee Mission Ford first contacted LBA to investigate an issue that was found with the dealership’s concrete oil separator. After further analysis, LBA found that the tank had started to break down. Concrete is a naturally porous material that is susceptible to corrosion after years of contact with salts, surfactants, and hydrocarbons.
This scenario presents an environmental concern in two ways. First, if the function of the separator is compromised, oils may pass through the separator to the public collection system, thus harming wastewater treatment efforts. Second, if the structure of the separator is compromised, the native soil and groundwater around the separator are at risk of pollution from hydrocarbons leaching from the tank itself.
LBA understood that Shawnee Mission Ford wanted a permanent solution, so they contacted Striem, a manufacturer of lifetime guaranteed oil separators. Not only does Striem make their products from structurally reinforced polyethylene, but also their factory is based in Kansas City, right in Shawnee Mission Ford’s backyard.
Once approved by JWC, LBA purchased a Striem OS-1500 through Kansas City Winnelson. Five days later, the tank shipped direct to Shawnee Mission Ford. Later that week, the installation was complete!
At last, Shawnee Mission Ford can rest easy knowing that they will never have to replace their oil separator again.