Project Spotlight – Pennsylvania Hospital

Project Spotlight – Pennsylvania Hospital Featured Image
  • Project: Hospital in Pennsylvania
  • Application: Decontamination Tank for Emergency Shower
  • Products:
    BB-500 (x1): Decontamination Tank
    AVA-3 (x1): Liquid Level Monitoring System
    HDK-8 (x1): High Water Table Hold Down Kit
    SR-24 (x2): Short Riser
  • Rep | Regional: Vernon Bitzer Associates | Daniel Kovac

Our local representative, Vernon Bitzer, utilized their strong relationship with the contractor to quickly provide a Striem equivalent to a precast concrete basis of design. The specifying engineer was out of their territory but was familiar with Striem and approved our system without hesitation.

Key Takeaways:

  • The installing contractor loved the overall experience so much, they placed an order for the identical system on another location to be installed later this year!
  • The job was not finished yet. Knowing this engineer firm was a high value target, Striem held an in-person meeting with the firm two months after the order was received to educate on Striem’s value across our product groups.

Photos: Project Installation