Project Spotlight – Porsche (Downtown L.A.)

Project Spotlight – Porsche (Downtown L.A.) Featured Image
  • Project: Porsche – Los Angeles, CA
  • Application: Oil Separator for Service Facility
  • Products:
    OT-1500 (x2): Oil Separator
    Inspector-4 (x1): Wastewater Sampling Port
    CPRK (x7): Corrugated Pipe Riser Kit
  • Rep | Regional: Delco Sales | Andrew Heck


A San Diego-based engineering firm reached out to Delco Sales and Striem for assistance with sizing an oil separator for a large maintenance facility. The facility includes 88,000 square feet of serviceable drainage area. Technically, using the square footage sizing formula in the plumbing code, we would have recommended an oil separator system with 6,000 gallons, but the engineer agreed it was oversized for the project.

After Delco and Striem contacted the local water authority, we established a “meet in the middle” approach, and they accepted a 3,000 gal. system. Thus, we provided a two-tank OT-1500 system to meet that capacity. With a burial depth of several feet, and having plenty of 18″ corrugated pipe on hand, the contractor was pleased to save considerable cost by utilizing our CPRK (Corrugated Pipe Riser Kit).

Key Takeaways:

  • 2,000 gallons is the largest single tank Striem produces. In rare circumstances, if more capacity is needed, you can increase the total tank system volume by piping tanks in a series (or parallel).
  • Every single Striem oil separator is UPC certified. Although UPC certification isn’t pertinent to every water authority, having a UPC shield is a mandate in Los Angeles.
  • Contractor/wholesaler support. Price, availability, and specific install questions were addressed in a very timely manner. We cannot overstate how much weight this carried for the job team and wholesaler.
  • Reminder for you and your wholesalers. Please don’t hesitate to contact Striem for an accurate freight estimate. This is especially important for our larger tanks to avoid any surprises.

Photos: Project Installation